
As I mentioned in my last post, my appointment to Director of Academic Growth & Formation at Asbury Theological Seminary in Tulsa, OK has also provide the blessing of joining the staff at Asbury Church as Scholar-in-Residence. Reverend Andrew Forrest, the senior pastor at Asbury Church, wrote about my work at the church in a post published a few weeks ago. Read it here.

The first thing I get to do in my role as Scholar-in-Residence for Asbury Church is help Andrew by writing some of the commentaries for Asbury Church’s daily Bible reading. I’d love for you to join me in reading one psalm a day. We are on Psalm 94 today (July 12th). You can read today’s commentary here.

It has been a lot of fun to spend time reading commentaries and praying through these psalms. It has also deepened my appreciation for how much work it has taken for Andrew to write daily commentaries for Asbury Church’s reading plans since his arrival.

As Andrew often says, Asbury is a Bible reading church. I’m so grateful to be joining this faith community.

I’ve decided against republishing these commentaries on my own blog but wanted to share part of what I’m up to with you. It is easy to signup at Andrew’s blog here. Be sure to check the second box “Daily Bible posts” towards the bottom.

I hope you will pray the Psalms with me!