I am excited to participate in a workshop hosted by Spirit & Truth on class meetings. The workshop is tomorrow January 14, 2021 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm EST.

I will give a brief introduction to the role class meetings played in early Methodism and why we should retrieve them today. What is most valuable about this workshop is that you will have the chance to hear from John Wayne McMann and Will Leasure. John Wayne and Will are pastors who have both successfully launched class meetings in their churches. You will get to hear their testimonies to how they have seen God use class meetings to change lives in their churches. There will also be practical concrete suggestions on the nuts and bolts of launching new class meetings.

Here is the description of the workshop from Spirit & Truth’s website:

Small group accountable discipleship is the heartbeat of disciple-making. In recent years many churches are discovering the power of reclaiming the class meeting model which served as the fuel for the Wesleyan revival of the 1700s. If you want to get far more intentional with your discipleship strategy as a church, invest in your small groups, or launch a small group ministry from scratch…this workshop is for you. If you’ve been wanting to implement class meeting style small groups, but you’re not sure how to practically get started…this workshop is for you. It’s time to start investing in the Great Commission more than just talking about it. Join us for this online interactive workshop led by two pastors who have been implementing this discipleship system with great success.

Schedule: 2:00-4:00pm ET on Thursday, January 14 via Zoom

Cost: This training is FREE! (But pre-registration is required.)

The workshop will be recorded, so you will also be able to view the recording after the event if you can’t be with us tomorrow.

To register and learn more, go here.

Kevin M. Watson is a professor at Candler School of Theology, Emory University. He teaches, writes, and preaches to empower community, discipleship, and stewardship of our heritage. Click here to get future posts emailed to you.